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Massage Takeout 的按摩服務還有甚麼其他額外費用? Is there any extra fee for home massage service?如您居住在九龍西區,上述價錢已經包括技師的車馬費以及所有一次性用品的費用,因此您無需再支付額外費用。但新界則需另加支付額外車馬費。 The menu price for each service has already included all the disposable consumables and the transportation fee inside Kowloon west. There will be an additional transportation charge if you live in Hong Kong Island or New Territories.
按摩前有甚麼需要注意的地方? Is there anything I need to take notes of the home massage service?您只需要等待技師的來電便可,技師會在療程前十五分鐘或抵府時致電給您。技師亦會準備所有按摩物品到府,包括一次性用品、按摩油、香薰機、毛巾以及充滿泰式風情的合適舒身衣物。您只需要安坐家中享受泰式按摩便可。 Our therapists will give you a call 15 minutes before the appointed time or they will give you a call when they arrived. Therapists will come with all items needed for the massage treatment, including all disposable consumables, jasmine massage oil, aroma diffuser, towel ,and Thai apparel for massage treatment. All you need to do is relax.
我怎樣可以和按摩師聯繫? How can I contact with the therapist?Massage TakeOut 目前未能提供顧客主動聯繫按摩師的服務,但如有關於按摩師的詢問,您可以按此處與我們的客服專員聯絡。按摩師亦會於療程前十五分鐘或到埗後致電通知您。 Massage TakeOut is currently unable to provide therapists' contact for you. You can press here to contact our CSR for any inquires about our therapists. Our therapists will give you a call 15 minutes before the appointed time or they will call you when they arrived.
我只是預約一位的療程,為甚麼會有多一位按摩師在場? I have an appointment for myself only, how come there are two therapists?"為確保按摩服務質素以及顧客和技師的安全,Massage TakeOut安排兩位按摩師為一小團隊為您提供專業的泰式按摩服務。主按摩師會為您按摩,副按摩師則會準備按摩所需的材料及設備。 To ensure our massage service quality and secure you and our therapists' safety, Massage TakeOut will arrange two therapists as a massage team to provide professional massage service. One therapist will conduct the massage in which the other therapist will prepare all the equipment needed during the massage treatment.
我適合進行泰式按摩嗎? Am I suitable to undergo Royal Thai Massage?Massage TakeOut 的泰式按摩適合大部分人享用,如顧客身體本身有任何痛症亦可以按此處與我們客服專員聯絡,我們可以為您度身訂造合適的痛症療程。我們亦建議懷孕的顧客體驗我們的孕婦呵護療程,為準媽媽和產後媽媽維持最佳狀態。 All Thai style massages provided by Massage TakeOut are suitable for most people. If you have any inquiries about the massage treatment, please press here to contact us. We can also provide customized massage treatment to relieve your physical pain. We also suggest pregnant customers try our Thai Royal Pregnancy Massage prepared for keeping yourself in the best condition and try our Thai Royal Postpartum Caring Massage after birth to regain your body shape.
我該如何付款呢? How should I pay?顧客可以選擇以現金、Payme或轉數快付款,為您服務的按摩師會向您收取款項。 You can pay by cash, Payme or FPS to the massage team after the treatment.
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